Wednesday, August 1, 2018

It's time to say farewell and acknowledgment to people in the class

Hi folks, It is the time to say farewell to all peers. It has been a pleasure working with all of you. On discussion board, blogging, and many platforms, we communicated with each other to explore and finger out the new world –Web 2.0. I was an amateur on this field, but I am grateful for being included on the awesome class to study from all of you. I am pleased that I have learned some tools and started to use them for my learning and life. I am thankful for Dr. Deneen and Lauren that they designed a wonderful lesson to greatly widen my horizon in multiple ways. Each detail in this lesson was designed to help us close to a variety of social media for the educational purpose and assist us to identify the strengths and weaknesses of different Web 2.0 tools. I really have found this course interesting and have acquired many valuable knowledge and skills that will help me improve personal/professional performance and learning.
I wish you all the best of luck in the future!
Na Chang


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